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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Jonathan Stanton
February 2011


Technology for most of the world is how we all get by from day to day. The cars we drive to the tooth brushes we use; it is a part of our everyday. However, not all technology is created equal. While some technology is very useful other technology can be useless. But there is one piece of technology that can make or break this world. This is nuclear technology, it has the ability to power or destroy a city. Nuclear technology is very dangerous in the wrong hands. This is why the United Nations proposed a treaty to stop the spread of nuclear technology. Most of the countries in the world have sign this treaty, a hand full have not, and just one country signed then opted out of said treaty. This could end the world if we are not careful in handling this situation.

Why is this topic important?

Nuclear technology has a lot potential still. However, the center stage light is not on its potential but the hands they fall in. There is no hiding that there are organizations that do not agree with the United States or United Nations. So much so, that they would be willing to go to extreme lengths to harm us and our loved ones. It is very important to make sure this situation is handled carefully. Although as civilian we cannot do anything directly, falling short of joining the military or becoming a public official, but we do have the power to elect officials. It would only be wise to understand the nature of the situation before we pick a person engage in dissolving this matter. So when the political official is talking about their foreign policy we can better gage the usefulness of this official. On the other hand, this can help explain actions of the government not reported by the news. Many of the relationship among these countries, that have or looking to gain nuclear power, are shaky at best. Some of these countries have been at war for years. Although, our action may not be wanted or even sometimes explained. In most cases we are looking out for the better interest of the global community. To make sure this planet in still a inhabitable place to live for us, as well as our families years to come, it is important this issue is resolved in a manner that avoids the use and further proliferation of nuclear materials.


To write on this subject and provide correct unbiased information in my web text, I will rely on mostly web sites and online articles to make curtain that my information is up to date. Understanding that this subject is very broad I will not speak on every detail, however, that should not suggest I will leave out anything I feel is important. Furthermore, I plan on use lames language so that my readers will not be confused or lose interest due to jargon. Every point I make I will make sure to relate back to the reader. Also, I will pose several questions that I will point out and answer, so that my readers can get straight to what they find the most interesting. My web text will consist of mostly text, but I will keep it well rounded with pictures, links, videos, and my sources. This is to let my readers know that my information is true and to let them know where they can get more information on the subject if they so wish.


This subject is very broad; it involves war, politics, peace, and a lot of talking. There is no easy solution for this, the best one can do is arm them self. Not with anything physical, but with knowledge. There is always a peaceful solution you just have to know where to find it. Although there is a treaty signed several countries do not wish to take part in. Also, there are countries suspected of trying to cheat by signing the non-proliferation treaty and still looking to gain nuclear technology.

1. Introduction
A. What is nuclear proliferation?
B. Why is it important to know?
C. Why I am writing about this?
2. Body
How did this start?
A. Background on nuclear technology / who got it first
B. Who has been effected
C. Positive contributions of nuclear technology
D. Is nuclear technology worth having around?
Who will be affected by this?
A. What is the biggest concern?
B. Who currently has nuclear technology?
C. What is being done to keep us safe?
Nuclear proliferation treaty
A. What is the NPT?
B. Does it work?
C. What happens if you break the treaty?
D. What countries are involved?
How can nuclear tech be spread and why?
A. nuclear proliferation deterrent/ cold war
B. Who is suspected of spreading nuclear technology?
C. Is this why we went to war with Iraq/ can it happen again?
What can I do about it?
A. Nuclear energy vs. other energy sources?
B. Voting for or against.
3. Conclusion
A. Summarize the text main points
B. Provide any other valuable information
C. Provide my opinion about nuclear technology

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Prompt 2

For my web text I want to write about nuclear proliferation and its sub-subjects. I think it is important to keep up to date on issues such as this because what ever the outcome will be it will inevitably affect all of us. One of the reasons I think other people might find this interesting is because o the news they may only mention it for a moment, and the time spent on it is not enough to understand the complexities of it. Also, people interested in this subject may not have the time or willingness to research this topic.
Therefore, for those people whom are interested in world affairs this presents a opportunity to get the information the would be searching for with out having to search. Also, I do not plan on using jargon( word specialized towards a specific subject) with out defining them. I will provide this opportunity in lames terms. The basis of my web text will be what are the effect of nuclear proliferation to our global community, and how it is being dealt with. This is a very broad field, however I believe I can produce the information from this field in an easy to read, yet informational, web text.

2 questions answered

What are the politics surrounding nuclear technology?
-Nuclear proliferation treaty is a system that obligates the five acknowledged nuclear- weapon states not to share or transfer any nuclear related materials with non-nuclear states. Also, that a non-nuclear state will not attempt to acquire nuclear technology. With this, a nuclear state can not use any nuclear weapons on a non-nuclear state.

What problem are arising?
-The protection against the theft or sale of various nuclear technology is insufficient. Such as, the threats by North Korea to share nuclear technology with states or groups hostile to the united states

Godsberg, Alicia. (2008). Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [NPT]. Retrived febuary 8th 2011. From the nuclear information project. Web site:

Congressional Research Service. ,(2008). "Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements,"\. ]. Retrived febuary 8th 2011. Web site: