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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Analysis gen Y

i recently have read a article by Sarah Perez entitled "Why Gen Y Is Going to Change the Web". In this article she mentions the possible effects of generation Y to the internet. She starts out by explaining what generation Y is. It is the generation of people from 13 to 30; the younger half of the population so to speak. From there she talks about how this generation is different from others. Comparing it to generation x and the baby boomers. She says how we will take the internet to a new level because we grew up with it. Most young people are very much technologically savvy and multitaskers, more so than the previous generation. Perez then goes on to talk about how generation Y is uninterested in what advertisements say they care more about their friend’s opinion. The article talks of the work ethic and the social abilities of the generation as well. Throughout the article there seems to be a lot of summing up about an entire generation. Everyone can agree a generation born having technology will be better at using that technology than the previous generation that had to adapt to it. But, at one point she sums up the entire generation to lack a work ethic. I won’t deny there are some lazy generation Y’s, but every generation thinks the new generation is lazy. If work ethics are not taught it then comes with maturity. Other than the stereotype the article was very well organized. Each section explained its title in detail and she provides links for people more interested in any of the subjects she touched on and provides a video. However, the links she has are to other articles similar to her own. What said is based off of articles and not a reliable source of evidence, therefore this article is interesting at most but no facts you can hang your hat

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